Saturday 13 December 2014

Potato carrot nest with fried egg

Thanks to sanjeev kapoor's cook smart show on food food...we can learm many smart recepies which are really good for the working women.
This recepie is actully a 1 dish meal. I have done some veriation honestly bcos i was not able to remember what was the actul recepie....:O ;-)
so here you go my veriation which turned out tasty....

  • potato 1 medium size
  • carrot 1 medium size
  • Red yellow & green capsicum 1 each
  • cabbage 3-4 leaves
  • oninon 1 medium size
  • tomato 1 small size
  • 3-4 olives or halapinos
  • 2 eggs
  • red chiili powder
  • barbeque sauce 1 t spoon
  • Dried basil 1 tspoon
  • origano 1 tspoon
  • chilli flex 1 tspoon
  • Ginger garic paste 1 t spoon
  • Lattuse
  • salt to taste
  • oil
  • Peal & grate the potato. Put the gratted potato in a bowl of water so that it will not turn red.
    Wash & grate the carrot.
  • Mix the gratted carrot & potato in a bowl. Add ginger garlic paste, some red chilli powder, salt to taste. Mix this well.
  • Keep a non stick pan on gas. Let it get hot, put some oil on it...
    Now put the carrot potato mix on it sperad it evenly in round shape. put the gas on medium heat & cook the nest til its crispy brown from both sides. Its tricky to flip the nest as it can break because we have not added any binding to it.
    Tip: do not flip it until its  cooked properly from one side.
  • Cut green yellow red capsicum, onion, tomato into fine pieces.  Cut the cabbage verticlly into to fine pieces.
  • Put a pan on gas with medium heat. Add some oil. Once oil is hot add onion, saute for some time it turna tasparent. Now add capsicum, tomatto, cabbage. Cut the olives & add in it. Now add basil, origano, chilli flex. Add barbeque sauce. Saute the veggies add salt to taste.  Do not overcook it keep it crunchy.
  • Now we are ready to plate the dish.
    Take a nice medium size plate. Spread lattuse leaves on it. Now put the nest on it. Now add veggies on the nest.
  • Top your plate with half fried egg. add pinch of salt for seasoning it.
  • garnish it with few finely cut tomatoes & capsicum or freash dhaniya.
Dig into it & enjoy :))))

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