Wednesday 10 December 2014

Doll Cake

Mini Doll Cake
Mini Doll Cake
Bigger version Doll cake

Basic Chocolate Cake preparation  in Dome shape(Dome size : 750gms –baked caked)

Ingredients reqd for base cake:
  • Maida :  190 gms
  • Sugar : 190 gms
  • Butter (Margarine) : 190 gms
  • Eggs : 3
  • Cocoa (preferably Cadbury cocoa) : 3 tbsp
  • Baking powder :1 & 1/2 tsp
  • Baking soda : 1/4 tsp 
  • Vanilla essence : 3/4 tsp
  • Milk as per reqd to adjust the end consistency for pouring(Not too stiff not too runny)
Preparation :
  • Sieve together 3-4 times Maida ,Cocoa,Baking Soda and Baking powder  (Do not skip this process, This helps to blend them evenly )Keep this dry ingredients mixture aside.
  • In another vessel ,beat the butter(normal temp) and sugar  with vanilla essence till soft and light with a hand mixer
  • Add the eggs one by one and whip them together with a blender again till light and frothy
  • Now add the dry ingredients in three parts and fold them with spatula ( Always add dry ingredients to the wet one)
  • Put the mixture in the dome mould (which should be dusted with butter and maida or you can use butter paper also) and place it in the preheated microwave
For Microwave (Convection mode) / OTG :
  • Pre-Heat the microwave while preparing the mixture at 180 c for around 8 to 10 mins on convection mode.(Same follows for OTG
  • After pre heating  increase the temp to 210-220 degree and cook for 5 mins
  • After completion , decrease the temp to 180 degree and cook the cake for 35 mins.(Here the time will vary according to your microwave capacity) Others might take more time.
  • You will have to check your timings by inserting a toothpick in the centre of the cake and should come out clean.This is when your cake is ready.
Dome cake decoration and icing procedure in 4 steps :

Ingredients reqd for different Icings used:

  • Dark Chocolate (Morde): 190 gms (1.5 slab)
  • Heavy Whipping cream (Tropolite) : 1/2 kg
  • Edible colors :Red (You can use yours)
  • Edible sugar small decorative stars/flowers :1 small packet

Make a sugar syrup :
·         1 cup water + ¼ cup sugar : Boil them together just till the sugar dissolves (Don’t boil more )
·         Let it cool and keep it ready.

Making truffle/ganache chocolate icing :
  • Take around 190 gms dark chocolate (I used Morde),cut into small tiny pieces and place in a bowl
  • Heat 1 cup heavy whipping cream (I used Tropolite) just till u see tiny bubbles not much.
  • Put the hot cream on the chocolate pieces and let it rest for 2-3 mins.
  • Mix them well with a spatula to get a creamy chocolate icing (Ganache Icing).let it cool down a bit to get a thicker consistency to apply on the cake.The cream will have a nice glaze.

Internal icing of the cake (Ganache icing):
  • Cut the dome horizontally in equal parts .This dome take around 4 cuts and forms around 5 horizontal pieces
  • Place the biggest piece on a revolving table and sprinkle the sugar syrup on it .Remember you don’t have to make your cake soggy.
  • Take a huge dollop of the chocolate ganache (Chocolate cream made) and spread it evenly on this layer.
  • Place the next smaller layer on it and follow the similar procedure till all levels are completed.
  • In the end cover the whole dome with the ganache . Place the dome in the freeze for 10 mins so the ganache icing gets settled.

External Icing of the cake (Heavy whipping cream) :
This process needs lots of patience and also very messy with different colors.

  • Whip the whipping cream (Tropolite) till it form firm peaks.This whipping will take around 15 mins .(Your cream should be absolutely chilled, almost freezed)
  • If  you don’t get the exact consistency the cream will keep on drooping from the cake and also the nozzle will not give you a good shape design will look blunt.
  • Spread the whipped cream on the chocolate dome evenly till all the brown gets covered.
  • Find an appropriate nozzle (I used small flower) and a color and design your doll dress as per your choice.
  • Insert a upper part of any Barbie doll (remove the legs) in the centre of the dome .Also undress the Barbie doll and design her upper body dress too as per your choice.
  • You can add some small sugar readymade stars or flowers to the dress.
  • Your Doll Cake  is ready.